— yo! sorry you haven’t heard from us for a while, we’re currently knee deep in making the first monument valley lp. we’re expecting to have something for you to hear early in the new year, and really looking forward to inflicting it on the world. in the meantime, with winter/christmas in mind, we’ve made […]

— i’ve been telling people that monument valley won’t be at festivals this summer. that’s turned out to be an unintentional untruth, and team MV will in fact be at a handful over the next month or so. excited to take a break from writing and recording and see some of you […]

— your cover blown is out today via everybody’s stalking. i’m so pleased and proud to see it out in the world, and grateful to everyone who worked on it. everyone knows what the song’s about, so people will understand why it means a lot to see it released. cover photo by Ben […]
here’s the video for your cover blown. directed by hobby holmes from mahogany blog, d.o.p was Ricky Patel.

Next MV single Your Cover Blown will be released on Everybody’s Stalking on May 14th 2012. It will be released on very limited 7″ vinyl and electronically. If you would like to pre-order the vinyl click here, and to pre-order the digital track click here. Each vinyl ordered directly from Everybody’s Stalking will come […]

very pleased to present the b-side from the next single, hope you all like it. very first alarm

yo. It’s a true pleasure to announce that MV will be on the road again at the beginning of March. Going back to some of the same stops as on Ben Leftwich/Daughter tour, and a couple of new places too. Please do get tickets in advance as these are small venues and likely to […]